Foot Revival Soak is used to soothe the feet of weariness, puffiness and stress, soften calloused areas and beautify the feet with natural sea salts and organic herbs of arnica (A. montana), tea tree (Melaleuca) and Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).
The feet carry all the weight of the body and are one of the first parts of the body to feel the stress and strain of fatigue. The feet are also the most complicated bone and muscle exterior organ and are generally very sensitive to touch and pressure. The feet help regulate the internal temperature and are very active in the elimination process. When the circulation is weak in the feet there tends to be a buildup of biological toxins and it is a settling area for many heavy metals and toxic environmental compounds. Stimulating the feet with an alternate hot and cold ABRA Foot Soak stimulates the release of toxins through the skin and creates a deep flow of the circulation to relieve the cells of imbedded substances that cause aching and fatigue. The skin softening minerals soften calloused areas and make soft beautiful skin on heals, ankles and toes. Safe for foot bath tubs,
Directions: Pour desired amount into running bath water, about one capful per average bathtub. Swirl to dissolve. Fill tub to just above the ankles. Use warm to cool water and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Massage will increase effect. For an alternating footbath set up another pan with cool water and put hot water (100-102F) in the tub. Alternate every 2 minutes; finish with a cool soak. Thomas Jefferson took a cold footbath every morning, he called it a “constitutional”, and his footbath pan is still in his bedroom in Philadelphia. Your way to do this is to fill the bathtub with cool water ankle high and “walk in place” in the water for 5 or 10 minutes. It is amazing how this reinvigorates and energizes the whole system.